14 Nov Banksy´s self destructing $1.4 million painting is now more valuable
When the worldwide known Banksy “Girl With Balloon” painting self-destructed the society responded with surprise. This happened while the artwork was aucted by Sotheby´s about a month ago.
There is a video up on Instagram by Banksy that reached trending topic where even the auctioneer seemed giddy, calling it “a brilliant Banksy moment.”
But this action didn´t met its objective. The art market did not change in any material way as a result of his prank, and paradoxically the painting -rated on $1.4 million- is now more valuable in its current situation. The criticism driven to the art market by Banksy and his method, makes this destroyed piece of art even more exclusive; a simple but strong reason for a significant increase in it price.
Certainly, that doesn’t mean that “Girl With Balloon” is artistically inconsequential. The current result is nothing more than an unfortunate failure in the execution, that has turned an artwork that was going to be destroyed – and that therefore would had lost its value- in an even more coveted one.